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AnswerMeNow1 meets with New Zealand First leader Winston Wilhelmus

Writer: AnswerMeNow1AnswerMeNow1

The image grab given to me of the offices before my trip of Wihelmus Offices. Needless to say, it did not live up to my expectations.

AnswerMeNow1, writer for the Times, headed up to Wilhelmus Offices in Northland today, the headquarters of New Zealand First, to meet with Winston Wilhelmus, list MP and leader of New Zealand First.

AnswerMeNow1- So, could you tell us a little more about the whole controversy surrounding AnswerMeNow1 and her defection?

Winston_Wilhelmus- to NZF or from NZF?

A- Both.

W- Well, the defection to New Zealand First was a clear signal that the current Prime Minister, Imnofox rules an insidious and impulsive hegemony inside the Gross Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand (Despite him leaving the role of Leader, it is clear he pulls the strings because he can't separate himself from the idea of power), and that New Zealand, let alone the caucus, will not stand for it. AnswerMeNow1 showed New Zealand that there was hope in the Left of New Zealand, and showed New Zealanders that not all Leftists are prone to absolute and abhorrent hypocrisy. However, the defection from New Zealand First and back into Government, into Imnofox's pocket once more quickly contradicted all of the above. AnswerMeNow1, in forming Te Tawharau and embracing imnofox once more, in the biggest political suicide since President Nixon of the United States showed that you really can not trust the Left in New Zealand. New Zealanders should not trust the Left Wing parties, they are absolutely rife with Corruption, power plays, political puppets, and political suicidals. There is nothing of value that this chaotic coalition has to offer New Zealand, and in turn New Zealand should invest their trust in New Zealand First, the only consistent and clear-cut party in the political landscape today. New Zealanders should not trust the Left Wing parties, they are absolutely rife with Corruption, power plays, political puppets, and political suicidals. There is nothing of value that this chaotic coalition has to offer New Zealand, and in turn New Zealand should invest their trust in New Zealand First, the only consistent and clear-cut party in the political landscape today.

A- What do you think of your party's prospects for the next general election?

W- What sort of question is this? It is clearly too far away to form any idea of what the result of GEVI will look like. I expect we will keep consistent polling, and we're confident we'll do better than last time, but the polls can not be trusted, we've seen the difference in margins between polls and results before. There is no point talking about results until the results arrive.

A- A..alright then. Do you have anything you'd like to say about the recent Christchurch and Waikato by-election?

W- There is nothing to say, the wrong parties won both of the elections. There was poor turnout, and I greatly suspect that this was because New Zealanders have lost faith in the electoral system because of the sheer incompetence of both sides of the House.

A- Recently, there has been some controversy in the House where the leader of Te Tawharau said that she had 'not ruled out' walking out of government over a controversial bill that she had concerns over 'possible breaches of te Tiriti'? She has stated she would seek to table amendments, and the bill will go to committee on 3 January after the Christmas break- what do you think will happen?

W- Nobody knows what the Te Tawharau Leader will do, as I said before, the Leader of Te Tawharau, much like the rest of the entire Left bloc, is prone to contradictions of a great magnitude, so I would not be surprised if she were to remain civil on her leash despite any potential red line crossings.

A- Recently, a New Zealand First MP, HenryJohnTemple, was ejected from Parliament for inactivity. Can you explain why this happened and ensure your constituents it won't happen again?

W- HenryJohnTemple was an exception, and a first. Inactivity is not common place in New Zealand First, throughout the Fourth Term we had the most consistent turnout of 100%, and in this Fifth Term we have a Party turnout of 98%. I have total confidence in our new MP, KyuuMann of meeting the generally recommended turnout in New Zealand First of 100%, and that this will not occur again. There is bound to be one dud in a crowd of perfection anywhere.

A- Going into the Sixth General Election, what do you hope to achieve?

W- Prime Minister.

A- Do you really think that's realistic?

W- Well of course not, the Left and Right have corrupted the political scene with dogma and deception. What I do think is we will keep consistent with the Fifth Term, I would put more hopeful aspirations into future General Elections, but I suspect GEVI will just be a repeat of GEV because the Left has lied to the People pathologically.

A- Do you have anything final to say?

W- Anything I needed to say has been said.

A- Alright. Thank you.



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