WELLINGTON- Last night in Wellington, supersteef2000 made an announcement that his party would be formally departing from the official opposition. He called the Greens ‘lying, backstabbing politicians’, saying that the Greens had known of Socialist Aotearoa’s intent to stand a candidate, but stood /u/KilroyNZ last-minute. Inner sources inside the Greens tell us this stems from a ‘communication error’ between imnofox and supersteef2000, although when pressed on what exactly the error was, our sources refused to reveal any more information, citing Green rules of confidentiality. It appears that the cause of the Socialist departure was what they viewed as a betrayal in Waikato, as mentioned in the title. However, this may not pay off for them in the long run, indeed, the Socialists now face a similar choice that the Māori Party faced in 2008- whether to remain true to their radical ideals while possibly leaving the nation under a government that its members would not prefer, or being pragmatic and allying with their closest leaning parties to form a left-wing government, even if that is one where they do not achieve a whole lot of their policy goals. There’s also speculation that Socialist Aotearoa may drop in the polls- similar to how the Māori Party did when they left the ACT-National opposition. People who viewed Socialist Aotearoa as a party siding with the Greens may be less inclined to vote for them now. In the end, we’ll have to wait and see.
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