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AnswerMeNow1 interviews silicon_based_life, leader of the Opportunities Party

Writer: AnswerMeNow1AnswerMeNow1

Last night, as the campaigning in Northland and Whanganui wrapped up, political reporter for the Times, AnswerMeNow1, met silicon_based_life at a pub in Taupō to chat about the election.

AnswerMeNow1- Kia ora! So, you campaigned for United Future. What drove you to campaign for TheOWOTriangle and his party?

silicon_based_life- I perceived Triangle and United Future as being centrist moderates, who would prevent economic radicalism from either major party. I was intensely caught up in the commonsense economic policies he advocated for, and campaigned strongly for them. However, after the election it became immediately clear that he didn't actually believe in what he was saying. He sold out to the Liberals for a weak bill that he couldn't even pass in the end. He also turned out to be a racist bigot and opposes many of the things that I, and historically, his own party, stood for. I'm ashamed of my time supporting him.

A- Alright. After so much time as a civil servant and as a journalist, what drove you to re-enter politics?

S- It was definitely the Red Saturday event, where a wayward Labour leader forced the party to merge with National, totally in opposition to many of the party faithful for many of it's long and important history. The act, despite being performed on a party I've never fully agreed with, felt so heinous and traitorous to a huge number of New Zealanders that I found myself determined that we had to be be better. I came in to politics to advocate centrist, evidence-based policies that would work for everyone, but also to combat the frivolous toying with the electorate and betrayal of party values by so many politicians. It's why I insisted Timewalker102 resign his seat when he joined TOP. The people of New Zealand need stability, not some holier-than-thou party leaders treating the whole thing as a massive game.

A- We've just recieved some information the Liberal Party is all of a sudden asking its voters to vote Reform. What do you think about that?

S- To be honest I'm not surprised. PineappleCrusher has been faring badly in the electorate, behind both hk-laichar and myself, so it makes total sense for the government to throw their weight behind their own. PineappleCrusher will for sure be crushed, but a government's gotta do what a government's gotta do. I also think Fresh isn't a fan of many of TOP's policies, so wants to make sure both us and the Greens are kept out of Parliament. I'm open to any agreement the Liberals want to sign with TOP.

A- Do you think you have a chance to win in Whanganui?

S- At this stage, no. Not unless my Taupo event really pulls in the votes, which it won't. I never really had a chance anyway, but I have to thank everyone who did support my campaign. To poll at 20% for a totally new candidate is something truly incredible and special.

A- More news, apparently Reform's pulled RubenTWO and endorsed Kingethan15. What do you think about that?

S- KingEthan may be a rural boy through-and-through but he was also shipped in somewhat. Timewalker102, RubenTWO, and WillShakespeare have been there from the start. Like I said, the government has to do what it needs to keep support up. I am thankful that Parliament is united in eventually fixing these states of affairs through an IRV referendum for electorates.

A: Do you think these endorsements will make a difference?

S: In Whanganui - no. In Northland, definitely.

A: What do you think could happen in Northland?

S: KingEthan and WillShakespeare were almost even the last time we checked. Whoever the Reform votes go to, will win.

A: Interesting.

S: And if they go to Timewalker102, well, rest assured we will be celebrating that night.

A: Do you have anything else to say tonight?

S: This will go out after campaigning has finished, so all I can say is - a million thanks to everyone who has supported the TOP campaign this by-election season. We'll be back, and ready for a real fight, come the time of the next General Election.

A: Thank you very much for coming here tonight, and I wish you luck for tomorrow.

S: And to your bloc as well. Thanks for having me.



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