Today, AnswerMeNow1, a Times reporter, sat down with former cabinet minister who gained national attention whem he attempted to, but failed in, leaving the Conservative Party. He ultimately did so by creating an Equalities wing, which party leader TheOWOTriangle kicked him out for. Minor edits to fix grammatical mistakes were made.
AnswerMeNow1- Kia ora. Now, you served as Minister for the Environment and Social Development in the last ACT government. What drove you to join the Conservative Party?
eelsemaj99- Kia ora. I left the National Party officially just after the election, due to differences in policy and ideas between me and the leadership. Nothing too bloody, but they ran me as a paper in Wellington and I did not feel the party represented me. A couple of weeks later, /u/theOWOtriangle approached me about forming a new Conservative party, and I was game as I felt that New Zealand needed a fresh centre-right voice outside the major party structure
A- Now that you have joined The Opportunities Party, what do you think you’ll do next? Are you planning to stand for, say, Auckland Councl?
E- I am not sure yet. Before I left the Conservatives, I told the Governor General that I would run in the upcoming By Election in Waikato, but I am not sure if I want to run now as member of TOP. It would be nice to get back into an elected position and campaigning soon, though, so I may run for the council
A- As a homosexual, what do you think of the Conservative policy on gay marriage?
E- It is awful and reactionary. I was not aware of it as a party stance when I joined up, and yesterday it reached a point where I could not stand the oppression. What happens in the privacy of your own home is not a matter for the government to decide. I felt to act, so I formed the Equalities wing of the Conservatives
A- What do you think of TheOWOTriangle?
E- Personally he’s a nice if eccentric person, that’s what impelled me to form a party with him, but his views on many social issues are just stuck in the middle of the last century. I didn’t come out to him for months after I met him for fear of his judgement
A- Do you think he’s homophobic?
E- I think he judges people based on sexuality.
A- And finally, who do you think will win the Waikato by-election?
E- The seat is almost certain to go to a right-wing candidate in a seat like that. Probably my old party the Nationals will hold it, I just don’t hope the Conservatives do too well