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AnswerMeNow1 chats with Drunk_King_Robert, Australia Party leader

Writer: AnswerMeNow1AnswerMeNow1

AnswerMeNow1: Alright. Now, why did you choose to make the Australia Party?

Drunk_King_Robert: I was absolutely fed up with the inaction of government. It seems like everyday instead of getting on with the job they fight and squabble. They’re too busy fighting when they could be out there, right now, working on forming the Pacific Union and uplifting the entire region.

AMN: What do you think of the housing crisis in Auckland, what will your party do to rectify it?

DKR: Developers are simply not making enough homes, which is their entire damn job. If they can’t do it, it’s time for the government to step in and massively increase public housing stock. Furthermore, we are going to have to implement a high vacant property tax, so that developers stop sitting on empty homes to artificially choke off supply and increase the prices.

AMN: What about te reo Māori and the Māori seats- what do you think of them?

DKR: I find the Māori seats to be a fantastic idea, but why stop there? We have the capacity to improve conditions for Indigenous peoples all across the Pacific, which is exactly what the Australia Party aims for. With a unity of policy in regards to this, we can ensure all Indigenous peoples are treated with respect and given necessary political protections.

AMN: All due respect to that member of the party, but they are a fucking idiot and will be expelled if you tell me who they are.

DKR: All due respect to that member of the party, but they are a fucking idiot and will be expelled if you tell me who they are.


DKR: They’re gone.

AMN: Anyway, te reo- can I presume you support the language being taught in schools?

DKR: Of course. We at the Australia Party believe that’s an important aspect of the country’s cultural heritage, and if you’ve read the Manifesto you know we are big on cultural promotion.

AMN: What about climate change and the environment?

DKR: Being a party with our eye on the Pacific, we understand how climate change can dramatically effect the so many island communities. It’s not just sea level rises, but extreme weather events like cyclones and typhoons. That’s why we have a renewable energy target of 100% by 2030. But more than that, we will begin to rebuild damaged environments, by reintroducing native flora and fauna. We would love to see the Tuatara flourishing on the mainland.

AMN: Have you decided which electorate you’ll be standing in?

DKR: Aoraki. There’s no starker choice the people of Aoraki can be offered than one between a racist, insular party that relies on empty promises and reaction, or a visionary party that seeks to reach out and cooperate closely with the Pacific, rather than turning inward out of xenophobia.

AMN: Alright, I’ll present you a scenario. Let’s say that you were kingmaker. Which side would you go with?

DKR: That’s going to depend on which of the parties is willing to work with me to make the Pacific Union happen. All I can say is it’s unlikely I’d work with Reform, given the whole racism thing.

AMN: Do you think the other parties would be willing to accept the Pacific Union?

DKR: If the other parties understand that increasing connectivity between Pacific nations, and presenting to the world unity of purpose would only serve to make the entire region, New Zealand included, prosperous, safe and happy, then of course they would support it. But if they’re too focused on their tunnel vision, knee jerk reactions to the proposal, and distracted by political games and stunts, then we’re in a bad place indeed. That’s why I’m asking the people of Aoraki to support me, so we can start electing politicians that aren’t obsessed with that kind of nonsense, and can work to accomplish truly great things.

AMN: Could you tell us more about your party list and candidates you’re standing?

DKR: We’ll be running QB and ChairmanMeeseeks as our list candidates. These are two people who are passionate about our overarching goals, but also bring on a wealth of experience in other policy areas. QB for instance is a dedicated fighter for much needed reforms to the way we treat sex work, changes that will keep workers out of harm’s way and help destigmatise their experiences. They’re also fiercely passionate about helping our gender minorities, from small changes like making it easy to change your gender marker on a birth certificate to bigger ones like specialised support services.

And with CM, we’ve got an absolute defence fanatic, who has spent much of his life studying and learning, and with him we’ll ensure that the Pacific Union’s army is capable of withstanding outside threats. Of course, the Australia Party has heavy pacifist leanings, and would hope one day an army is unnecessary, but we recognise that isn’t the case as it stands.

AMN: Do we know which electorates they’ll be contesting?

DKR: It’s up to them to choose if they’ll reveal that just yet.

AMN: Will you coalition with parties that don’t accept a Pacific Union in exchange for acceptance of your other proposals?

DKR: We don’t want to be like some parties who are totally unwilling to compromise and work in the best interests of New Zealand, so yes I do consider that an option.

AMN: Finally, pineapple on pizza?

DKR: Hell no.



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